Benefits of Registration

Members enjoy the benefit of buying with contract prices. Only members and their registered users can see contract documentation associated with all bid contracts, and information or links to pricing. Legal purchases can be made when a school district, non-profit, or other public agency becomes a member of the purchasing cooperative. Membership is as simple as applying with the form below and accepting KPN’s terms and conditions. It’s free. Vendors who register will receive notices of upcoming bid opportunities. After being vetted and notified of acceptance, vendors will be able to respond electronically to bids using KPN’s bidding system and to bid for other national contracts.


Membership is based on an institution not an individual. Before an individual can register, a school district, non-profit, or other public agency must join as a member using the form to the left. Once the institution has joined, an employee from that member agency may register individually for full access to the site to see contract documentation and other privileged content. If your agency is a member, use the middle form to identify your agency, register your name, and then choose a password.

If you are interested in becoming a KPN vendor by winning a bid or contract, click on the “Apply Online” button at right. You will be directed to an outside registration form. Once registered, you will receive notifications of bidding opportunities. Only after submitting and being awarded a bid by KPN, will you be listed on the KPN website.

If Your Agency is Not Yet a Member

Register your Agency as a New Public Sector Member

Primary Contact Information

Agency Address

Additional Contacts


CFO/Business Manager

Facilities Manager

Athletic Director

Food Services Director

Technology Coordinator

Account Password

The primary contact will be able to login and edit the information submitted here. The username will be the email address and the password can be entered below. You can change your password at any time.

  • Password must be at least 9 characters
  • It cannot be entirely numerical
  • It cannot be a common password

I have read and understand the KPN Terms of Membership Agreement available here and agree to be bound by these terms. I am authorized to apply for membership on behalf of any Agency.


If Your Agency is Currently a Member

Create an Account Under an Existing Public Sector Membership

Account Password

  • Password must be at least 9 characters
  • It cannot be entirely numerical
  • It cannot be a common password


If Your Company is Not Registered

Register as a New Vendor

Apply Online